
Traditionally, the majority of students enrolled in dance programs are still in school. To help accommodate parents and our older students’ schedules SDA has published a schedule that should adhere to many standard vacation periods.

2024/2025 Calendar

September 9th: First Day of Dance Season 17

October 31st: Halloween STUDIO IS CLOSED

November 27th-31st: Thanksgiving Break STUDIO IS CLOSED

December 8th, 12th, 13th, 14th: Dress Rehearsals at Littleton High School (Classes/Times TBD)

December 15th: Holiday Recital at Littleton High School 11am (7 & under) 2pm (7 & up)

December 23rd-January 4th: Holiday Vacation STUDIO IS CLOSED

January 6th: Classes Resume

February 17th-22nd: School Vacation STUDIO IS CLOSED

April 21st-26th: School Vacation STUDIO IS CLOSED

May 26th: Memorial Day STUDIO IS CLOSED

June 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th: Dress Rehearsal at Littleton High School (Classes/Times TBD)

June 8th: June Recital Littleton High School 11am (6 & under) / 4pm (7 & above)

June 14th: Last Day of Classes for SDA

If you’re looking for the Diamond Dancers Calendar click here.