Steps to a Successful Recital Day!
Hello, this might be your child’s first recital or their 5th recital, but it may be helpful to have some step by step instructions to make everyone’s experience as smooth as possible! If after reading this, you have any questions, please email me BEFORE June 8th, as I will be at the auditorium early Sunday setting up and may not be able to take calls or be checking emails.
- Please arrive at the Littleton High School auditorium by 10:30am with hair and makeup done! Please check to make sure you have all costume pieces and correct tights and shoes before leaving your house!
-When you enter the main doors of the school, the check in table will be to the right of the Bake Sale table which is right in front of the cafeteria where the dancers will be with their chaperones. - Please make sure your dancer goes to the bathroom with you before signing them in and putting on their tights and leotards! Our chaperones will be happy to make bathroom trips with them, but the less trips to be made the better!
- Please establish one parent/guardian to sign in/out your child to help us make the Check in/out process smoother and also keep the dressing room clear of extra family members and friends. Please then sign your child in before entering the cafeteria. This same parent must also be the one to sign them back out later! Please note: Only one parent will be able to enter the cafeteria with the dancer!
- When in the cafeteria with your child, please make sure they get dressed and ready for their first dance! The order of the recital will be posted all around. I will also attach it to this email. Please talk to them before recital weekend about being backstage with chaperones and staying at their assigned tables so that they are prepared coming in. We will have coloring books and chaperones stationed at each table to help! There will also be a live feed of the recital in the cafe´ which helps keep them occupied.
- When it is almost time for their dance, their teacher and assistants will come and take them to the backstage area to line up. After they dance, they will be brought back to the cafeteria and to the chaperones. Parents may pick up their dancers during intermission or at the end of the show ONLY. We will have several parents that want to get their dancer right after their dance, but this process will make for a smoother transition for all the children and teachers! When it is time to pick up your dancer, please keep the following in mind:
-Please give the teachers time to get the dancers back to the cafe´, please DO NOT try to take them in the hallway as it messes up our sign in/out protocol which is for the safety of all the dancers!
-Please then sign out your child and take all of their belongings Remember: Only one parent can enter the cafeteria! If your family is leaving the recital at this time, please have them wait for you all in the lobby!
-At the end of the show, I will do some quick wrap up/thank you announcements and then you may go sign out your dancer/s.
- Please remember these children are young and some will cry! They may not want to get on stage, or they may get on stage and do nothing! We are so proud of them and never expect perfection! These are the moments we look back at in 10 years when they are assistants and laugh about! If they need you to stay backstage until they dance, you may stay with them until they are fine. Some of them just cry for a minute when you leave and then they are fine! We have been doing this for 16 years and have seen it all! We have our own children and understand! Please enjoy their special day no matter what happens! Happy recital week!